I have set up this Substack in addition to our Telegram channel. It serves a different purpose.
Telegram is good for real-time chat. It support telephone conversations. Substack is better for long posts. We can print speeches. It handles posts interspersed with lots of photos. It promises to someday support embedded video of our speeches. It is easier to read. It is much easier for searching for old posts.
This is the my first post.
ArtTalkers had its first full-fledged, official meeting since the war today. Members of the Dnipro Hills club volunteered to take important roles, as you saw in the agenda.
Here is the group photo taken by Eddie at the end of the meeting. You can see we had a pretty good turnout.
Here are pictures of the ToastMaster, Table Topics Master and Table Topics Evaluator: Graham Seibert, Andriy Budish and Vitaliy Rulov. Vitaliy wrapped in the roles of grammarian and ah counter while he was at it.
Here are pictures of speakers Natalia Khytrych, Natalia Baliuk and Vera Oleneva.
Here are pictures of the other attendees says they served as evaluators, timer and spoke at Table Topics. They are Yulia, Vadim, Natalia, Nikolai, Dima, Taras and Andrei
We look forward to seeing you next Saturday at 12 o’clock at the Kuzya Rebra.